All 1Reviews House of Kubes: Kroma Phone Cases

House of Kubes: Kroma Phone Cases

"But these aren't just any phone cases and this isn't just any company setting out to make a few bucks. Kroma set out to create a product that was first and foremost safe for you and your whole family ... I'm crazy about BPA-free bottles, storage containers, cans, etc., but I honestly never thought about BPA in my phone cases. With a toddler and kindergartener at home, I'm so glad I'm aware of this now.




I've been very happily using my Kroma cases for over a month now and I don't think I'll go back to a "regular" phone case ever again. Among many other things, just knowing that they are safely made - and sturdy - gives me peace of mind whenever the kids are playing with my phone."


-- Jen Kubes, OKC Blogger, on Outfits,Travel and Motherhood




 Kroma Phone Cases