If you've been stalking 0073.UV on Instagram as much as we do, then you'll know she's a SERIOUS cat lover and her cat has quite a feisty attitude. LMAO
She's most likely the funniest artist you'll ever know, and we think there might be a comedian living inside her. Just read her responses to our questions and you'll know!
Q1: Can you describe yourself in 5 words?
"I love cats so much." Alternatively, "I am a little weird."
Alternatively, "I am a little weird."
Q2: What does your daily routine look like?
I wake up every morning any time from 4AM to 8AM, depending on when my cat Walter gets hungry and wakes me up by screaming and pawing at my face to be fed his tuna bisque. Then I check my emails and social media until my dog cries for me to let him lick Walter's empty plate. Typically, I start my day with a workout to wake me up; nothing wakes me up like lifting heavy things and putting them back down. I spend my mornings and afternoons typically working on projects until my dog cries for his daily walk, and in the evenings I usually pack orders for my print shop. Late nights are usually reserved for personal projects or editing Youtube videos if I'm feeling particularly ambitious, but most of the time I just fall asleep early while trying not to disturb my cat and dog.
Typically, I start my day with a workout to wake me up; nothing wakes me up like lifting heavy things and putting them back down.
Q3: What’s the biggest challenge you face when working on your artwork?
My cat loves chewing on paper, especially delicate little corners, so I have to hide all my projects from him. I've tried shelves really high up and drawers, but Walter just sees that as a challenge.
My second biggest challenge though is to press on and finish projects since I have a short attention span, and I'm constantly getting bored after a few hours and wanting to move on to new ideas. This is exacerbated by the fact that, I think is the case with with any artist, things tend to not look good until the final details are added, so it's easy to get discouraged.
Q4: What advice would you give to people who are trying to make a living as an artist?
I think it's important to keep that passion for what you do as a priority and to love what you're doing, rather than constantly trying to cater to an audience that may or may not exist in a year or two or forcing yourself to maintain a certain medium/style/subject.When you love what you're doing, the audience and the opportunities will come to you.
When you love what you're doing, the audience and the opportunities will come to you.
Q5: What super power would you choose to have?
When I was little, I would have answered flight or strength. Now that jet packs and space tourism are very real possibilities in our near future (and I am super strong in my own respect), I have settled for other profound goals like being able to talk to cats. I really want to know what my cat thinks of me.
I have settled for other profound goals like being able to talk to cats. I really want to know what my cat thinks of me.

If you'd like to see more of 0073.UV's art or her cat Walter, you may stalk her on Instagram, Youtube, and her print shop!